You need to know the signs that your heating system needs repair

Having a problem with your heater can be a frustrating and nerve-wracking experience–especially when you’re counting on it to keep you and your family warm. There are many aircon servicing signs that you may need to contact a heating technician. It is clear that your heat will stop working if it stops. But there are other problems homeowners in Singapore think of as part of their HVAC system.

Aircon of Singapore values customer peace of mind. We can help you if your HVAC system is having problems. There are many heating systems, including furnaces, boilers and heat-pumps. It aircon servicing singapore doesn’t matter which one you have. Smart homeowners should know how to recognize signs that your heater is in need of repairs.

1. Strange noises from heaters and vents

Many homeowners mistakenly believe that unusual noises from the heater, vents, and ducts is normal. These noises can be a sign of many problems. In general:

Pops and squeaks indicate that your heater’s part is loose.

Your heater may be causing you to hear loud bangs.

The heat exchanger may be under high pressure, which could lead to loud squealing sounds resembling a kettle.

2. Jumping Energy Bill

It is unacceptable to pay more for energy, especially if your heater isn’t working as hard. Your heating system could be at fault if you notice an increase in your utility bills but not an increase in your singapore aircon servicing energy use. You may also need to have your heating serviced if it isn’t obvious. Without the expertise of a Singapore heater specialist, it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact cause. The problem most often lies with the boiler or furnace. This makes the machine less efficient, leading to higher energy costs.

3. Problems with Thermostat

Is your thermostat not functioning when you set it? There could be an electrical problem. An electrical problem could be caused by a damaged thermostat or a blown fuse. The thermostat communicates aircon service singapore electronically with your heating system. Aircon, your local Singapore HVAC company, can assist you if the thermostat is not communicating with your heating system.

4. Frequent cycling

Reliability is a key characteristic of any heating system. This is a common problem homeowners don’t notice. But if your heater cycles fast or switches off at random it could be an indication of aircon service a problem. Poor air circulation, a blocked filter or malfunctioning thermostat can cause rapid cycling. Our professionals can diagnose the problem, and then fix it.

5. Dust in the air

Do you feel that you are using your duster less than you used? Your heater has an air filter that cleans your air. It can become clogged and dust and other allergens could get in your home. Dust and other debris, which might be trapped in an air filter, can travel through your duct singapore aircon service system and disperse throughout your home. Your air filter should be changed if your house appears more dusty than normal.

6. Heaters & Furnaces Old

While some heaters can be maintained for as long as 20-years, the majority of heaters will last between 10 to 15 years. Older heaters can be more vulnerable to wear and will need frequent repairs. Your furnace may need to be replaced if it is not working properly for the past 2 years. This situation cheap aircon service singapore will result in a furnace replacement costing less than repairing it.

7. Your pilot light will turn yellow

Many Singaporeans do not know that the pilot lights should always be blue. If the heating system has enough heat to combust properly, the pilot light should be blue. The pilot light could turn yellow if there is carbon monoxide in the system. This could prove to be extremely dangerous. This is very serious.

8. Swimming in Pools

A puddle in your house is not a good sign. This is especially true for HVAC systems that have water. Clogged cheap aircon servicing sigapore condensate pipes are usually the cause of water pooling. You may see water if your boiler is on the ground.

9. Poor air flow

Poor airflow is a sign that your heater works harder to heat your home. However, you won’t notice it. Even though your furnace’s vents might be open, it may not be heating your home. A variety of factors can cause poor air flow, including:

Filter blockage

Leaky ducts

Problems with blower fans

Problems with your blower or belt motor

10. You can smell rotten eggs

If there are rotten eggs found in your home, you may have a gas problem. This is a serious problem which should be taken care of immediately. It is important to immediately open all windows, no matter how cold or rainy it may be. Get in touch with an emergency heating technician immediately. If they aren’t addressed quickly, gas leaks can cause irreparable harm to your home.

Schedule Our Heating Repair Services Today!

Are you unsure whether you are hiring the right person to fix your HVAC system? You may have noticed strange noises coming out of your vents or the pilot light not working properly. We can quickly and aircon servicing company singapore efficiently fix your furnace, boiler or heater no matter what the problem. We offer both routine maintenance and emergency air conditioner repair. Our technicians have years of experience and are highly skilled. They treat every customer with respect. Our friendly staff will provide prompt and courteous assistance from the moment that you call.

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